Saturday, June 23, 2007

Geography Lesson

( Okay, I'm going really green now )

I found this in the newspaper today. I guess you've seen it too, if you've read the newspaper.

Real Scary huh? All its all because of Global warming. Imagine Singapore becoming a swimming pool, Everywhere.

( Thats from todays paper too )

Even Thorthon the Polar bear starting to go anti - Global warming. And worse still, its All Our fault. Yeah, us humans. Us cutting down all the trees, burning all the fossil fuels, so that we can sit in ours room, on the air con, turn on the TV, the comp, and turn up the radio and say "so shuang3".

Now you know that we're really evil.

So we should like really wake up now. And do our own little part to save the Earth from getting a fever. Just by turning off the lights when not in use, using two sides of a paper and don't Afk from the comp for like five hours. Yeah, you get the idea. You may think say that saves very little energy, but if everyone does that, its like times 1 million. Imagine that.

So now you know. So we better kuai4 dian2 fan2 xing3, before its too late.

and maybe that's also the reason why there are so many more mosquitoes..

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