Monday, June 25, 2007

First Day of School Term

Hey, the first day of school term. The same old crisp metal-buttoned uniform, same old bus, the same classroom, same locker, same seat, same classmates, same teachers ( some with changed hair styles, and names Too ), and same morning assembly. Yeah, good old everything. I felt a sense of familiarity, and belonging to my school.

There goes the bell for assembly…

We went through the custom procedures as usual. The National Anthem, the Pledge, and also the School Vision. Today, it was sung louder than usual, well maybe because we were really excited about the start of a new school term, a fresh beginning. During the daily devotions, our principal told us some hilarious news ( about the campus superstar ), and depressing news too.

We headed back to our classrooms then, and the first lesson was Maths. Our timetable had been changed, so all our lessons had been changed completely. But hey, there’s one new Mrs Chua name on the Timetable. New teacher? No, its just that Miss Tan changed her name.

The rest of the day’s lesson were pretty much exciting, 3 periods of Mrs Chua, taking height and weight for PE, doing our English Passion Portfolio ( which is already due ) and an added treat, to the delight of others, a relief teacher came in for Hua2 Wen2 lesson. But maybe it wasn’t that great either, because our oral exams are in like 1 weeks' time.

When I got home, I wanted to cook up a dish ( again ), for my Passion Portfolio. When I reached home, my mum had already finished cooking half of dinner. So I pretty much could only do one dish.

I saw some long beans in the fridge and I decided to do that Sambal Chilli Long Bean thing. ( You should know what dish I’m referring to right? ). So I got prepared all the ingredients, the sambal chilli, the longbeans and stuff.

Then I started to fry, putting in the garlic, veggy and minced pork. Yeah, everything was going well, so far. Maybe it was out of anxiousness, or maybe because this was my first time cooking, I underestimated the flames, and I covered the wok left the food to cook on its own on the big fire.

Within a few seconds, a smell of burnt drifted through the air. Smelling something weird, like some chemical smell. ( I didn’t know burnt food smelt like this? )

( I doesnt look like it but its actually burnt )

So when I lifted of the lid of the wok, the sambal chilli had become all black. Yeah, so this time it was a rather not-so-sucessful dish. But I’m not like sad or anything, cause I can still include this rather amusing “story” into my portfolio. And as they always say, Thou learns from thou mistakes. How true.

( I had to cover my nose when I was washing the burnt wok )

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