Monday, June 18, 2007

Apple Man

So I was at the ANCO camp. I seemed so long, but yet so fast, four days are over within a blink. We had to do up a lesson + lesson plan for our assessment on foot drill, and amazingly i finished up mine, in the nick of time, literally. We became like little teachers for the MOI.

So for the 5 minutes of lesson time, I taught my lesson quite okay, minus the nervousness and stuff.
I learnt much stuff, some of those which I learnt were the points of the SJ crest (taught by Wei Qiang Sir) , how to move fast to meet the very short timings of our officers, and learning how to Love our uniform, because we had to wear the same one for the four days of the camp, despite it smelling really SOUR of the sweat. Yeah, really sick. Worser stuff are disclosed, cause I don't think you'll take it.

And they called me, the Apple Man, I don't know why. Like I ate alot of apples during the camp..

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