Sunday, July 1, 2007

A Visit to Po Po's House

It was during todays visit to Po3 Po2 did I learnt how to make Sushi Rice ( well, I don't know the Japanese name so i named it). It's my first time cooking Japanese food so it won't taste that good.

Chu Hsin Ah Yi taught me how to do it. Simply just cook some rice, add the Japanese powder to the rice, plus sesame and seaweed, and mix Everything together. It tasted pretty good, with all tastes of Sweet, Sour, Spicy, Salty, Bitter in it. The five taste complemented each other and it came out really well in my mouth.

In addition, we cut, no I mean tore ( messily ) seaweed and wrapped the rice with it. And its Sushi! And better still, no cooking is require ( except the rice of course ) so it's really quick to prepare and Delicious to your taste buds!

The Sushi Rice powder packet

Sushi Rice

Sushi. ( Sorry it's so untidy )

But anyway, it was also through this visit that I become conscious that the last time I visit my PO3 Po2 was like a year ago. I haven't been visiting my Ah Gong and Ah Mah regularly for the past year.

And my excuses were " No time", " There's alot of things to do" and " Got CCA ". Looking back then, they were pretty lame huh? Grandmas' and Grandpas' houses are supposed to be visited at least one time a week right?

Maybe school, homework, and CCA got me so engrossed in it til I even forgot how to pay a simple visit to my grandparents ( which would only take about 2hours ), which I didn't.

So all of you out there shouldn't forget your elders too, and Remember to visit them, which would really make them happy, and cause them to smile.

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