Monday, July 16, 2007

Making it a better place

Mr Danny Tan kick - started the Humanities Week during morning assembly today, which showcasts Geography, History, and the study of people. He started the ball rolling with a presentation on Empathy ( that compassion thing ).

He didn't talk much, he just showed us the videos below, and let it do the talking.

He mentioned that there was terrible famine in Ethiopia around 1984 and millions of Africans died of hunger. In an aid to raise funds, the Live Aid for Africa concert . It's just like the Live Earth which happened just recently, but Live Aid is raising funds for the poor. And this is the theme song for Live Aid for Africa, " We are the world ".

We Are the World - Live Aid for Africa

Sarah McLachlan was given $150,000 to produce a music video on Poverty in Earth. $150,000 to pay for cameramen, editors, hair styling and directors. But she figured if she only used $15 of it to make the video, the rest of the money saved could be given to the poor. And indeed she did, and with that $149,985, she changed a million lives. Call that budget.


World On Fire - Sarah McLachlan

And I hope the following two Music videos will make you cry... well sort of

Man in the Mirror

Heal the World

And maybe the whole school was so captivated by the videos we just sat there and watched silently. So obedient we were that Mr Lee came up to the stage just to praise us. We really did something right today.

Anyway, after watching all these videos, you surely feel that we Singaporeans are really really that lucky. And from now on, lets not take things for granted , cherish all that we have, and not be a complain kings or queens anymore. And also by always finishing up every grain of rice on our plate, not wasting any food, because there are millions of hungry people out there.

And no matter how young or old we are, lets stretch out a helping hand to the needy, and do our part, and make this world of ours, a better place.

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