Sunday, August 19, 2007


Ok, your hungry. I know.

Anyway, I had this tau paoed Wan3 Tan1 Mian4 for dinner today. I bought it from the nearby shop outside our house. As I tucked in the pipping hot noodles, the taste which lingered in my mouth told me that this was the best Wan2 Tan1 Mian4 I've ever eaten.

The soup had a pepperish, mushroomish, porkish flavour. And the Wan2 tan1s? Succulent, juicy and tender meat fillings are surely to melt in your mouth.

And halfway eating through, I realised that the auntie had give me 7 Wan2 tan1s! It was like I had already eaten 3 of them and there were still alot more? Haha.

So mmHm.

Ok, so I'm not that good of a food critique myself ( especially the vocabulary ).

But, I thoroughly enjoyed that simple $3 meal. It's ironic how the the simplest things in life can make you soo happy, just like what this unfussy ta-pao-in-plastic-container-wan3-tan1 did.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Tissue Paper

I bought those from a "flagger" today. Not flagging stickers, but tissue papers.

The flagger was without legs, his armed outstretched, with 3 tissue packets in his palm, to the passerbys. Next to him was a little carboard poster with the words " 3 for $1 ". I thought I would walk past as if he wasn't there at all, but after walking about 10 metres away, something make me walk back. I dug out a 2 dollar note and wanted to buy a set of tissues. In my mind I wanted to let him keep the 1 dollar change. But actually, putting myself in his shoes, that was a pretty mean thing to do. It was more like a insult.

I took 3 colourful tissue packets form his bony arm, and then took out a plastic bag with some coins in it, and held it out to me, to take the change. He really must have been really trusting, willing to take out his meagre coins out in the open and let me take a one dollar coin change.
So I did, and clutched the tissues in my hand and catch up with my friends.

If you hadn't realised, that flagger was actually a handicap selling tissues as a living.

When I got home, I relised that the tissue packets had " Cartoons " on it. See the Hansel and Gretel, Dumbo and The three Muskeeteers. Really cute huh?

Even though the they were really cheap, I don't think I'll ever use them. i always feel sad whenever i see the tissue's, because the remind me of the man who sold them, and the image of him sitting on the floor selling his tissues comes back to my mind.

And he's not the only unfortunate one out there, because there are other poor people like him, too, and some even in worser situations.

All of us are really lucky you know.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Primary Six

Today I discovered a new song ( which I really really dig ), and some memories along with it as well.

It all came about when I was watching Legally Blonde 2 ( last resort ) when they played some song which sounded Avril. I loved it immediately. I tried to memorise the lyrics as much as I could, so that I could search for it later. What " If you're trying to turn me, into something else. I've seen it enough, and I'm over that. I'm nobody's fool... If you wanna bring me down..."

The two words Nobody's Fool sounded really familiar? Was it one of the tracks of the Avril Lavigne album "Let Go" which I burned like 4 years ago?

( This is the Illegally burned Avril Lavigne CD I have )

With excited and palpating ( did I spell that right? ) hands I pulled it out of my the CD pocket. I listened to every single track, all 13 of them. I realised that actually it was packed with a full load of great songs actually. And I previously thought it was just a lousy album?

And Indeed, at track 11, the familiar tune came out of the cd player, previously heard on Legally Blonde 2. Dig it.

And after further listening of the song, the rapping part at the beginning seemed all so famliar. I sort of had a brain wave and everything came back to me. It was the song which I sang with my group when I was Primary 6 music presentation. Now I remember!

My group was made up of Hoi Man, Hwee Fang, Khariah, Dehong and I. I think it was Hwee Fang's idea to choose this song. ( Luckily not Hoi Man's idea of singing MILKSHAKE ) Come to think of it, we actually didn't work well together as a team to present this song then. I kept complaining about how hard it was to sing the rapping part and it we would sing out of melody if we tried it. We also didn't meet up together to have a proper rehearsal like that.

In the end, it didn't turn out good, instead of singing a song, we were more like talking. Thinking back, I was really a bad bad and unreasonable team memeber back then.

And I remember the best group was Zhi Yi , or Nigel's? They sang ( And Danced ) to the song by Bring the House Down S Club 7. Haha. It all seemed like yesterday. The sweet Primary 6 memories.