Thursday, July 19, 2007

Is this still an egg?

Aahh what happened to the egg which I steamed? It looks like a, a, I don't even know! The corn which I put in must have been the culprit. ( I came up with this unusual idea to make this Corn - egg thing ) Haha. But its still edible...I think...but I'm not sure whether my family dares to eat it.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Making it a better place

Mr Danny Tan kick - started the Humanities Week during morning assembly today, which showcasts Geography, History, and the study of people. He started the ball rolling with a presentation on Empathy ( that compassion thing ).

He didn't talk much, he just showed us the videos below, and let it do the talking.

He mentioned that there was terrible famine in Ethiopia around 1984 and millions of Africans died of hunger. In an aid to raise funds, the Live Aid for Africa concert . It's just like the Live Earth which happened just recently, but Live Aid is raising funds for the poor. And this is the theme song for Live Aid for Africa, " We are the world ".

We Are the World - Live Aid for Africa

Sarah McLachlan was given $150,000 to produce a music video on Poverty in Earth. $150,000 to pay for cameramen, editors, hair styling and directors. But she figured if she only used $15 of it to make the video, the rest of the money saved could be given to the poor. And indeed she did, and with that $149,985, she changed a million lives. Call that budget.


World On Fire - Sarah McLachlan

And I hope the following two Music videos will make you cry... well sort of

Man in the Mirror

Heal the World

And maybe the whole school was so captivated by the videos we just sat there and watched silently. So obedient we were that Mr Lee came up to the stage just to praise us. We really did something right today.

Anyway, after watching all these videos, you surely feel that we Singaporeans are really really that lucky. And from now on, lets not take things for granted , cherish all that we have, and not be a complain kings or queens anymore. And also by always finishing up every grain of rice on our plate, not wasting any food, because there are millions of hungry people out there.

And no matter how young or old we are, lets stretch out a helping hand to the needy, and do our part, and make this world of ours, a better place.

Monday, July 9, 2007

The Snail

When I was going to school today, walking to the bus stop, so unconcious and un alert was I that I accidentally crushed a snail under my shoe, badly. I didn't want to be late so with a mere scrubbing of my shoe soles I continued my pace. As I was walking, I felt really sorry, and I mean it, cause I kept blaming myself for the rest of the day, for hurting the poor snail.

Looking back, this incident still left a imprint on my heart, I could have avoided it, if I had been more Careful and Alert and Looked where I was walking. If I had, the snail wouldn't have suffered

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Us, Singaporeans

Today I went to Popular to buy some stationery today. As I was waiting in the queue to pay for my items, I heard a middle aged lady raising her voice at the other cashier. I didn't know what was going on. Apparently ( from what I think ), she wanted to exchange a book, but it was under the regulations, so the cashier didn't let her exchange it. She became furious and started raising her voice even louder, so loud that she attracted the attention of bystanders. Meanwhile, the cashier seemed to be relenting silently to the bigger sized lady.

In the end, the lady said she was in a rush and had no time to waste on that. Having said so, she made a "stage exit", with everyones' eyes on her.

After she left, everyone resume to what they were doing, and acted as if nothign had happened. The cashier turned a little red by now.

I had no right to judge who was right or who was in the wrong. ( Maybe it was even partly both faults ) But I felt that there surely was some other better way of solving the misunderstanding for the middle aged lady ( like talking calmly ), instead of being so Loud.

Saturday, July 7, 2007


Today's LIVE EARTH Day, so I guess I better do something GREEN as well. Well, here the poem which I wrote for my Geography project when I was Secondary two.

A little bluish green Marble

A little marble,
blue and white.
Don't you think,
That's such a pretty sight.

The birds, the flowers,
the trees and the bees,
just don't hurt them,
I beg you please!"

Muahahaha ",
said the Man.
I'm the master,
of the land.

Cut cut cut down,
All the tress,
Global warming,

Pause a moment,
think a while.
Before its too late,
then i ask you " How? "

( Haha the last part's a bit lame. )


Friday, July 6, 2007

Two Birthdays

Today is 06/07. And 06/07 is Wai Yinn's 15th Birthday ( old man already) . You should have known by now. All through training, I tried to let everyone sign the orange birthday card, without letting Wai Yinn know. I almost got all the signatures, except some.

I guess I must have been a rather bad birthday planner, and there wasn't even a cake.

On a whole, it wasn't really coordinated, but its the thought that counts. So Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to Wai Yinn, Happy Birthday to you!

And if not for his injury we would have tau poked him into a pancake. Lucky him. We'll get him next time. aHaah.

But little did I know that Melvyns birthday had passed already. It was on Homecoming Day. No wonder he didn't go for public duty. And to think that we scolded him for not turning up, making us feel so guilty.

He should have told us it was his Birthday what. Anyway, lets do it again, from the top.

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to the-chess-club-president, Happy Birthday to you!

As he was not injured, we did not spare him from our tau pok ( Birthday tradition lol ). hahaa

After celebrating the birthdays, Nicholas, Melvyn, Brian, Wai Yinn and I went to J8 for dinner. We wanted to go to a coffeeshop at first, but Wai Yinn wanted to eat Ajisen Ramen. Expensive, but it's his birthday after all, so he gets to choose.

AS the queue was long brian left his contact number so so we could walk around instead of wasting time queuing. We walked for 15 minutes before returning back to the restaurant. By now, the queue has subsided so we only had to wait 5 minutes more before having our seat.

As we were choosing our food, Brian saw the drink he loved in the Menu- Ramune ( the drink with the marble thing ). But it was $4.80, so he didn't want to buy it. And when he also said that he wanted to have the Volcano Ramen ( with 4 Chilli rating ), I thought he was joking but he indeed odered it. Ok, now I know Brian is a Chilli King ( Nicholas said he could eat Chilli Padi Seed by itself ).

Nicholas and Wai Yinn had Crayfish Ramen, Melvyn Black Pepper Chicken ramen, and I had a Vegetable Ramen. Our food arrived fast, to the delight of our stomachs. I started at the volcano ramen with fear. Brian was eating his Volcano as if there wasn't any Chilli at all. When I tried one spoonful of soup ( Here I also realised Brian is very Hygenic ), I couldn't really take it. Perhaps I'm not a Chilli type of person.

After we finished our food, except Brian ( he didn't like his Volcano Ramen ), Wai Yinn, Brian and Nicholas started cracking jokes. Real Funny. Hahas. While talking, we also discovered a Ramen Noodle Diagram. It was a cross section of a Ramen Noodle. I didn't know noodles were so sophisticated.

We talked, we joked, we laughed. Within a blink of an eye ( I know I always use this phrase ) an hour had passed and it was getting late.

We paid our humoungous bill of $75. Okay, so it was expensive, but worth it to eat with my friends and more importantly, as a little birthday celebration for the two Birthday Boys'.

After that, we went to NTUC to search for the Ramune drink which Brian wanted. Eventually, we found it ( $2.50 ). He bought one and we had difficulty opening it. So we went upstairs to a less crowded area to open it on the ground. With a pop, Wai Yinn opened it, and the marble was pushed into the bottle, and totally covered with bubbles. The drinks tasted like normal soda. But it was the part of opening the bottle which made it fun.

Finally, we retreated to our homes, and before that, we took a group photo, together. Happy 15th Birthday Wai Yinn and Melvyn!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Different Coloured

Today we had Chemistry SPA. I love Chemistry Practicals. I love the colour of the chemicals, some could be so Clear as glass, like the Sodium Hydroxide, some orange like the Iron (III) chloride, or some yellow like the Lead (II) iodide.

God must be really clever to create all this, and remember all their names.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Hotel Rwanda

Watch this. It's an excerpt from the Movie we watched today, during Carpe Diem lesson at the Auditoirum.

Ya, the clip is really comical, especially how the narrator speaks. This movie is actually Hotel Rwanda. There are funny parts, but there are also horrid parts too. It's about the a true story of a man who fought impossible odds to save everyone he could and created a place where hope lived, placed in the field of the ethnic conflict between the Tutsis and the Hutus. You should have learnt it in Social Studies too.

After I watched a little part of this film, I realised how important social and racial harmony was. Ethnic misunderstandings could lead to conflict, fighting and uneccesary bloodshed. I know could see how ugly it could be, from this film.

And why do people want to kill each other? Must be for money, for power, for money, or for stupid little reasons of getting back at each other. And they do it without a tinge of heart-break. What is the world coming to? Tell me.

If we could take a little time and effort to understand each other more, the different cultures and traditions, there would be so much less fighting, and the Earth would be such a better place.

Monday, July 2, 2007


My sister's been singings the song " Hosanna " by Hillsong for like 10 times, even as I'm typing this. There she goes :

Hosanna Hosanna, Hosanna to the Highest...

Hmm, since she likes singing so much, I'll go record her and help her to make her Solo Album.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

A Visit to Po Po's House

It was during todays visit to Po3 Po2 did I learnt how to make Sushi Rice ( well, I don't know the Japanese name so i named it). It's my first time cooking Japanese food so it won't taste that good.

Chu Hsin Ah Yi taught me how to do it. Simply just cook some rice, add the Japanese powder to the rice, plus sesame and seaweed, and mix Everything together. It tasted pretty good, with all tastes of Sweet, Sour, Spicy, Salty, Bitter in it. The five taste complemented each other and it came out really well in my mouth.

In addition, we cut, no I mean tore ( messily ) seaweed and wrapped the rice with it. And its Sushi! And better still, no cooking is require ( except the rice of course ) so it's really quick to prepare and Delicious to your taste buds!

The Sushi Rice powder packet

Sushi Rice

Sushi. ( Sorry it's so untidy )

But anyway, it was also through this visit that I become conscious that the last time I visit my PO3 Po2 was like a year ago. I haven't been visiting my Ah Gong and Ah Mah regularly for the past year.

And my excuses were " No time", " There's alot of things to do" and " Got CCA ". Looking back then, they were pretty lame huh? Grandmas' and Grandpas' houses are supposed to be visited at least one time a week right?

Maybe school, homework, and CCA got me so engrossed in it til I even forgot how to pay a simple visit to my grandparents ( which would only take about 2hours ), which I didn't.

So all of you out there shouldn't forget your elders too, and Remember to visit them, which would really make them happy, and cause them to smile.