Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year Resolution

1. Be closer to God
2. Have quiet time with God everyday
3. Bring 2 friends to church
4. Talk more to Mom and Dad and my Sis
5. Make alot alot of friends - True Friends
6. Be cheerful
7. Spread smiles on other people faces
8. Be hardworking and achieve good results
9. Stay constant in my work
10. 改进我的华文
11. Go to VJC next year
12. Earn the Commisioner Badge
13. Be a good NCO
14. Get a silver cert in swimming ( Done )
15. Learn how to bake a cheesecake
16. Play Bminor chord on guitar

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Healthy Hamburger

Take a load ( or bite ) out of this

Your looking at a whole new healthier version of a Hamburger!

The ingredients:

Some butterhead lettuce
A slice of ham
Some herb wrap ( that kind of taco bell, McDonald chicken foldover thing )
One Egg
Thousand Island


1. Fry the egg
2. Sandwich everything in between the wrap
3. Finish it with a dash of Thousand Island for taste

and buah lah you have Lunch!

Happy munching

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Orchard Road

It was a curious evening today. My family and I went out to do a little shopping and celebrate Happy Teacher's Day for my Mother.

Orchard road is the place where you find all the good looking and chic, and also the place where you find all the beggars and buskers.

Walking on the pavement along orchard road, I saw a human statue totally masked in gold spray. There he stood, motionless like stone. A large crowd was forming around him then. At a closer look, I totally understood how this " mechanism " worked. Whenever someone put a coin in the box next to him, he would move out of his stillness for a few moments. After that, he would return back in his "stoning" until the next coin was put in. For a moment there I almost believed that he was a robot. He practically didn't move a muscle, despite having the whole crowd's eyes glued on him.

We went to buy bedsheets and as we were walking in the Departmental store, I could see sales promoters talking at the top of their voices to persuade people ot buy their product. Be it kettles, mops, and other kinds of household gadgets. The lucky ones had a crowd gathered around them, listening attentively, while the others were shouting as loud as ever, hoping that some people would stop and listen, and so that they wouldn't be like talking to themselves anymore. And I think they're be at this for the whole entire day, they must really have sore throats after each day of work right?

Whilst wakling to the MRT Station through the underpass, I saw a handicap by the side having slight spasms on his wheelchair. Everyone seemed to try to steer away from him, maybe becuse they were afraid. As I walked closer, the ground in front of him was empty. He looked really 可怜, and that's the only words i can use to describe him. In my heart, I wonder how he was able to get to this place, and looking and him, he was certainly unable to move by himself. I only understood later on that actually, he didn't go there by himself, it was somebody else who brought him there And that somebody stationed the man at that underpass, hoping that people would take pity and throw a coin or two. And maybe, later on, he would collect all his coins. That handicap was just a money-maker to him. And that's really mean.

Maybe I'm too naive or something.

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Ok, your hungry. I know.

Anyway, I had this tau paoed Wan3 Tan1 Mian4 for dinner today. I bought it from the nearby shop outside our house. As I tucked in the pipping hot noodles, the taste which lingered in my mouth told me that this was the best Wan2 Tan1 Mian4 I've ever eaten.

The soup had a pepperish, mushroomish, porkish flavour. And the Wan2 tan1s? Succulent, juicy and tender meat fillings are surely to melt in your mouth.

And halfway eating through, I realised that the auntie had give me 7 Wan2 tan1s! It was like I had already eaten 3 of them and there were still alot more? Haha.

So mmHm.

Ok, so I'm not that good of a food critique myself ( especially the vocabulary ).

But, I thoroughly enjoyed that simple $3 meal. It's ironic how the the simplest things in life can make you soo happy, just like what this unfussy ta-pao-in-plastic-container-wan3-tan1 did.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Tissue Paper

I bought those from a "flagger" today. Not flagging stickers, but tissue papers.

The flagger was without legs, his armed outstretched, with 3 tissue packets in his palm, to the passerbys. Next to him was a little carboard poster with the words " 3 for $1 ". I thought I would walk past as if he wasn't there at all, but after walking about 10 metres away, something make me walk back. I dug out a 2 dollar note and wanted to buy a set of tissues. In my mind I wanted to let him keep the 1 dollar change. But actually, putting myself in his shoes, that was a pretty mean thing to do. It was more like a insult.

I took 3 colourful tissue packets form his bony arm, and then took out a plastic bag with some coins in it, and held it out to me, to take the change. He really must have been really trusting, willing to take out his meagre coins out in the open and let me take a one dollar coin change.
So I did, and clutched the tissues in my hand and catch up with my friends.

If you hadn't realised, that flagger was actually a handicap selling tissues as a living.

When I got home, I relised that the tissue packets had " Cartoons " on it. See the Hansel and Gretel, Dumbo and The three Muskeeteers. Really cute huh?

Even though the they were really cheap, I don't think I'll ever use them. i always feel sad whenever i see the tissue's, because the remind me of the man who sold them, and the image of him sitting on the floor selling his tissues comes back to my mind.

And he's not the only unfortunate one out there, because there are other poor people like him, too, and some even in worser situations.

All of us are really lucky you know.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Primary Six

Today I discovered a new song ( which I really really dig ), and some memories along with it as well.

It all came about when I was watching Legally Blonde 2 ( last resort ) when they played some song which sounded Avril. I loved it immediately. I tried to memorise the lyrics as much as I could, so that I could search for it later. What " If you're trying to turn me, into something else. I've seen it enough, and I'm over that. I'm nobody's fool... If you wanna bring me down..."

The two words Nobody's Fool sounded really familiar? Was it one of the tracks of the Avril Lavigne album "Let Go" which I burned like 4 years ago?

( This is the Illegally burned Avril Lavigne CD I have )

With excited and palpating ( did I spell that right? ) hands I pulled it out of my the CD pocket. I listened to every single track, all 13 of them. I realised that actually it was packed with a full load of great songs actually. And I previously thought it was just a lousy album?

And Indeed, at track 11, the familiar tune came out of the cd player, previously heard on Legally Blonde 2. Dig it.

And after further listening of the song, the rapping part at the beginning seemed all so famliar. I sort of had a brain wave and everything came back to me. It was the song which I sang with my group when I was Primary 6 music presentation. Now I remember!

My group was made up of Hoi Man, Hwee Fang, Khariah, Dehong and I. I think it was Hwee Fang's idea to choose this song. ( Luckily not Hoi Man's idea of singing MILKSHAKE ) Come to think of it, we actually didn't work well together as a team to present this song then. I kept complaining about how hard it was to sing the rapping part and it we would sing out of melody if we tried it. We also didn't meet up together to have a proper rehearsal like that.

In the end, it didn't turn out good, instead of singing a song, we were more like talking. Thinking back, I was really a bad bad and unreasonable team memeber back then.

And I remember the best group was Zhi Yi , or Nigel's? They sang ( And Danced ) to the song by Bring the House Down S Club 7. Haha. It all seemed like yesterday. The sweet Primary 6 memories.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Is this still an egg?

Aahh what happened to the egg which I steamed? It looks like a, a, I don't even know! The corn which I put in must have been the culprit. ( I came up with this unusual idea to make this Corn - egg thing ) Haha. But its still edible...I think...but I'm not sure whether my family dares to eat it.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Making it a better place

Mr Danny Tan kick - started the Humanities Week during morning assembly today, which showcasts Geography, History, and the study of people. He started the ball rolling with a presentation on Empathy ( that compassion thing ).

He didn't talk much, he just showed us the videos below, and let it do the talking.

He mentioned that there was terrible famine in Ethiopia around 1984 and millions of Africans died of hunger. In an aid to raise funds, the Live Aid for Africa concert . It's just like the Live Earth which happened just recently, but Live Aid is raising funds for the poor. And this is the theme song for Live Aid for Africa, " We are the world ".

We Are the World - Live Aid for Africa

Sarah McLachlan was given $150,000 to produce a music video on Poverty in Earth. $150,000 to pay for cameramen, editors, hair styling and directors. But she figured if she only used $15 of it to make the video, the rest of the money saved could be given to the poor. And indeed she did, and with that $149,985, she changed a million lives. Call that budget.


World On Fire - Sarah McLachlan

And I hope the following two Music videos will make you cry... well sort of

Man in the Mirror

Heal the World

And maybe the whole school was so captivated by the videos we just sat there and watched silently. So obedient we were that Mr Lee came up to the stage just to praise us. We really did something right today.

Anyway, after watching all these videos, you surely feel that we Singaporeans are really really that lucky. And from now on, lets not take things for granted , cherish all that we have, and not be a complain kings or queens anymore. And also by always finishing up every grain of rice on our plate, not wasting any food, because there are millions of hungry people out there.

And no matter how young or old we are, lets stretch out a helping hand to the needy, and do our part, and make this world of ours, a better place.

Monday, July 9, 2007

The Snail

When I was going to school today, walking to the bus stop, so unconcious and un alert was I that I accidentally crushed a snail under my shoe, badly. I didn't want to be late so with a mere scrubbing of my shoe soles I continued my pace. As I was walking, I felt really sorry, and I mean it, cause I kept blaming myself for the rest of the day, for hurting the poor snail.

Looking back, this incident still left a imprint on my heart, I could have avoided it, if I had been more Careful and Alert and Looked where I was walking. If I had, the snail wouldn't have suffered

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Us, Singaporeans

Today I went to Popular to buy some stationery today. As I was waiting in the queue to pay for my items, I heard a middle aged lady raising her voice at the other cashier. I didn't know what was going on. Apparently ( from what I think ), she wanted to exchange a book, but it was under the regulations, so the cashier didn't let her exchange it. She became furious and started raising her voice even louder, so loud that she attracted the attention of bystanders. Meanwhile, the cashier seemed to be relenting silently to the bigger sized lady.

In the end, the lady said she was in a rush and had no time to waste on that. Having said so, she made a "stage exit", with everyones' eyes on her.

After she left, everyone resume to what they were doing, and acted as if nothign had happened. The cashier turned a little red by now.

I had no right to judge who was right or who was in the wrong. ( Maybe it was even partly both faults ) But I felt that there surely was some other better way of solving the misunderstanding for the middle aged lady ( like talking calmly ), instead of being so Loud.

Saturday, July 7, 2007


Today's LIVE EARTH Day, so I guess I better do something GREEN as well. Well, here the poem which I wrote for my Geography project when I was Secondary two.

A little bluish green Marble

A little marble,
blue and white.
Don't you think,
That's such a pretty sight.

The birds, the flowers,
the trees and the bees,
just don't hurt them,
I beg you please!"

Muahahaha ",
said the Man.
I'm the master,
of the land.

Cut cut cut down,
All the tress,
Global warming,

Pause a moment,
think a while.
Before its too late,
then i ask you " How? "

( Haha the last part's a bit lame. )


Friday, July 6, 2007

Two Birthdays

Today is 06/07. And 06/07 is Wai Yinn's 15th Birthday ( old man already) . You should have known by now. All through training, I tried to let everyone sign the orange birthday card, without letting Wai Yinn know. I almost got all the signatures, except some.

I guess I must have been a rather bad birthday planner, and there wasn't even a cake.

On a whole, it wasn't really coordinated, but its the thought that counts. So Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to Wai Yinn, Happy Birthday to you!

And if not for his injury we would have tau poked him into a pancake. Lucky him. We'll get him next time. aHaah.

But little did I know that Melvyns birthday had passed already. It was on Homecoming Day. No wonder he didn't go for public duty. And to think that we scolded him for not turning up, making us feel so guilty.

He should have told us it was his Birthday what. Anyway, lets do it again, from the top.

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to the-chess-club-president, Happy Birthday to you!

As he was not injured, we did not spare him from our tau pok ( Birthday tradition lol ). hahaa

After celebrating the birthdays, Nicholas, Melvyn, Brian, Wai Yinn and I went to J8 for dinner. We wanted to go to a coffeeshop at first, but Wai Yinn wanted to eat Ajisen Ramen. Expensive, but it's his birthday after all, so he gets to choose.

AS the queue was long brian left his contact number so so we could walk around instead of wasting time queuing. We walked for 15 minutes before returning back to the restaurant. By now, the queue has subsided so we only had to wait 5 minutes more before having our seat.

As we were choosing our food, Brian saw the drink he loved in the Menu- Ramune ( the drink with the marble thing ). But it was $4.80, so he didn't want to buy it. And when he also said that he wanted to have the Volcano Ramen ( with 4 Chilli rating ), I thought he was joking but he indeed odered it. Ok, now I know Brian is a Chilli King ( Nicholas said he could eat Chilli Padi Seed by itself ).

Nicholas and Wai Yinn had Crayfish Ramen, Melvyn Black Pepper Chicken ramen, and I had a Vegetable Ramen. Our food arrived fast, to the delight of our stomachs. I started at the volcano ramen with fear. Brian was eating his Volcano as if there wasn't any Chilli at all. When I tried one spoonful of soup ( Here I also realised Brian is very Hygenic ), I couldn't really take it. Perhaps I'm not a Chilli type of person.

After we finished our food, except Brian ( he didn't like his Volcano Ramen ), Wai Yinn, Brian and Nicholas started cracking jokes. Real Funny. Hahas. While talking, we also discovered a Ramen Noodle Diagram. It was a cross section of a Ramen Noodle. I didn't know noodles were so sophisticated.

We talked, we joked, we laughed. Within a blink of an eye ( I know I always use this phrase ) an hour had passed and it was getting late.

We paid our humoungous bill of $75. Okay, so it was expensive, but worth it to eat with my friends and more importantly, as a little birthday celebration for the two Birthday Boys'.

After that, we went to NTUC to search for the Ramune drink which Brian wanted. Eventually, we found it ( $2.50 ). He bought one and we had difficulty opening it. So we went upstairs to a less crowded area to open it on the ground. With a pop, Wai Yinn opened it, and the marble was pushed into the bottle, and totally covered with bubbles. The drinks tasted like normal soda. But it was the part of opening the bottle which made it fun.

Finally, we retreated to our homes, and before that, we took a group photo, together. Happy 15th Birthday Wai Yinn and Melvyn!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Different Coloured

Today we had Chemistry SPA. I love Chemistry Practicals. I love the colour of the chemicals, some could be so Clear as glass, like the Sodium Hydroxide, some orange like the Iron (III) chloride, or some yellow like the Lead (II) iodide.

God must be really clever to create all this, and remember all their names.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Hotel Rwanda

Watch this. It's an excerpt from the Movie we watched today, during Carpe Diem lesson at the Auditoirum.

Ya, the clip is really comical, especially how the narrator speaks. This movie is actually Hotel Rwanda. There are funny parts, but there are also horrid parts too. It's about the a true story of a man who fought impossible odds to save everyone he could and created a place where hope lived, placed in the field of the ethnic conflict between the Tutsis and the Hutus. You should have learnt it in Social Studies too.

After I watched a little part of this film, I realised how important social and racial harmony was. Ethnic misunderstandings could lead to conflict, fighting and uneccesary bloodshed. I know could see how ugly it could be, from this film.

And why do people want to kill each other? Must be for money, for power, for money, or for stupid little reasons of getting back at each other. And they do it without a tinge of heart-break. What is the world coming to? Tell me.

If we could take a little time and effort to understand each other more, the different cultures and traditions, there would be so much less fighting, and the Earth would be such a better place.

Monday, July 2, 2007


My sister's been singings the song " Hosanna " by Hillsong for like 10 times, even as I'm typing this. There she goes :

Hosanna Hosanna, Hosanna to the Highest...

Hmm, since she likes singing so much, I'll go record her and help her to make her Solo Album.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

A Visit to Po Po's House

It was during todays visit to Po3 Po2 did I learnt how to make Sushi Rice ( well, I don't know the Japanese name so i named it). It's my first time cooking Japanese food so it won't taste that good.

Chu Hsin Ah Yi taught me how to do it. Simply just cook some rice, add the Japanese powder to the rice, plus sesame and seaweed, and mix Everything together. It tasted pretty good, with all tastes of Sweet, Sour, Spicy, Salty, Bitter in it. The five taste complemented each other and it came out really well in my mouth.

In addition, we cut, no I mean tore ( messily ) seaweed and wrapped the rice with it. And its Sushi! And better still, no cooking is require ( except the rice of course ) so it's really quick to prepare and Delicious to your taste buds!

The Sushi Rice powder packet

Sushi Rice

Sushi. ( Sorry it's so untidy )

But anyway, it was also through this visit that I become conscious that the last time I visit my PO3 Po2 was like a year ago. I haven't been visiting my Ah Gong and Ah Mah regularly for the past year.

And my excuses were " No time", " There's alot of things to do" and " Got CCA ". Looking back then, they were pretty lame huh? Grandmas' and Grandpas' houses are supposed to be visited at least one time a week right?

Maybe school, homework, and CCA got me so engrossed in it til I even forgot how to pay a simple visit to my grandparents ( which would only take about 2hours ), which I didn't.

So all of you out there shouldn't forget your elders too, and Remember to visit them, which would really make them happy, and cause them to smile.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Homecoming Day

And that's the Great name of our stall, taken from the Name of our Co - Form teacher. Except we changed it to a old Ah Mah instead.

Our school Homecoming day ( a fun fair ) was held today. You should have heard about it, because its such a Grand event. Our class sold Doughnuts, Corn, Fishballs and Chicken wings.
It was really fun to mann our own stall, preparing the food, mobile selling and giving out flyers.

We ordered 200 doughnuts ( + 100 Free doughnuts from the Student loungue ), 6 Very Big cans of corn, alot of fishballs ( Too many to count ) and chicken wings ( I also don't know the number ). That's really a lot to sell (especially the doughnuts), but I bet we can do it. Cause We Have to, otherwise we'll spent the rest of our lives eating Doughnuts, and maybe become one.

In the first shift were Andrew, Jie Chou, Wei Shan, Shu Yi, Yi Jie, Perry, Wei Chen, Aaron, Victor, Josiah. Before the crowd came, we started to set up the food stall, posters and the equipment ( all the cables, toaster ovens, and the steamer). After that, we started to prepare the food, by piercing the fishballs into the Satay Sticks, steaming the corn and heating the chicken wings.

Staring the the Mouth - watering doughnuts on the table, I really wanted to eat one Rainbow doughnut. But I must Abstain, cause its Sinful.

Soon after, the crowd started to stream in, along with our Shouting ( LEYLONG ) and publicising. People started to purchase our food, and things were going pretty well. Miss Krishnan even came to help us. But Mrs Chua didn't.

Miss Krishnan seemed happy about our stall, and helped us with the sale too. Andrew was really agitated and nervous, and Wei Shan asked him to relax. We caught teachers and "forced" them to buy our food. Ahaha. Then, Andrew was really agitated and nervous, and Wei Shan asked him to relax. Maybe he was just really enthusiatic about selling the food? Ya, surely.

I also realised that most of the teachers were health conscious, and bought the Corn, instead of the Sinful delights ( the doughnut, the fish balls, and the chicken wings )

By 9.30, the crowded was going at its Fullest, and so, we had to Intensify our Approach. Haha. So we pai4 some "agents" to give out the little flyers, and some to be Mobile stalls. " Don't come back till you've sold everything " Haha, thats what Andrew said. Really threatening lol.

As for me, I stayed at the Headquarters to sell the Doughuts. Me, Andrew, and Wei Shan shouted more, and louder.

( The standard line to attract a customer:

Say "Good Morning Sir/Madam/Ah boy/Ah girl, welcome to " Ah Mah Chua's Delights". Would you like either a Yummy doughnut, a stick of pipping hot fish balls, or a cup of Freshly Steamed corn? We even sell sizzling chicken wings. Everythings one for a dollar, except the wings, which are 2 for $3. So may I take your order?" )

Our efforts paid off and more people came to buy at our stall, and we got really busy. The coupons kept going into the Printing Paper Box used as our Coupon Bank. In addition, many flyers were given out and our Mobile sellers came back with empty baskets but with a handful of coupons clutched in their hands.

The customers kept coming, and we kept selling. The fishballs were the corn we the better sellers. As I was sold the food, I felt really guilty because we were like really evil, selling such unhealthy food to the crowd, making them fat. How bad we are..

And worse, I couldn't resist any longer and I ate 3 doughnuts myself too. ( Well, I'll just take it as Supporting my Class Stall). But I'll get fatter.

Time passes within a blink, literally, and it was already 11.30, time to go for my shift. I felt really reluctant to leave the stall, I wanted to continue selling for the 4 shifts. But I'm a First Aider ( thought I'm not really good), and a First Aider gotta do what a First Aider gotta do. So goodbye " Ah Mah Chua's Delights ", sell more hor.

I had 4 hours of First Aid duty, the First Aid post was in one of the classroom stalls. There were only like 5 First Aiders ( Me, Szeto, Shi Min, Eugene and Desmond ) in the third and fourth Duty Shift ( Including me ). How?

Okay, during the duty I was quite alert at the first 2 hours. But after that, I admit I was really inattentive, and Slack. I didn't watch out for casualties, I expected to look out for me. I thought I would be really conspicious in my uniform, so easy to be spot. I looked more at the food stalls instead. I'm a bad First Aider. Well, I got to Change.

After the Homecoming, Charlton, Nicholas, Wai Yinn, Brian, Jiew Peng ( the Real Joker ) and I had a little meeting discussing on doing something for our Teacher - IC Mr Ling before he leave's our School. I wished he would stay with our school, our Corps. He such a good teacher-IC. We're planning on baking a little cake for him, and maybe even do a Barbeque.

And here are the pictures which I took during the Homecoming Fun Fair.

Our Stall's Menu :
Chicken Wings
Alot and alot pf fish balls
And more Donuts
Ok you're drooling now.
More pictures

Friday, June 29, 2007


For the past two days, we presented our Passion Portfolios during English lesson ( I hadn't presented mine ). I found out things about my classmates which I didn't knew, I didn't know all of them were so talented in their own passions.

Jie qi ( presented first ) the PRO anime artist, Jia Yong the Stamp Collector, Sebastian the Chinese Flutist, Jie Chou the shading Artist too, Wei Chen the 2 Star kayaker, Josiah the Music Listener, Kelvin the PRO drummer/xylophone-er, Shu Yi the Scribbler, and Jeffrey the Soccer - fanatic.

And Bo Xian, Jason, Victor the Guitarists!

Good Luck in your Future endeavors, and do best what you do the Best.

And now I'm influenced about guitar. Maybe its because of the three presentations on electric guitars, the listening to their really Fast strummings. I want to learn how to play the acoustic guitar.

Anyone can teach me? ( I already have a no-brand guitar to play )
I Want to learn how to play it, I want to learn the Acoustic kind.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Cake Car

Okay, you really got to watch this.

The Edible Car

That totally blew me away. Its like a Hansel & Gretel story, only that now it is a car which is built out of cake. Imagine yourself like taking a chunk out of the steering wheel.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Its Our Day

Today's the day, Our Day. So early in the morning, at about 6am, I took a taxi to school. I changd into my uniform. Soon, the rest of the Year 3s came, in their smart uniforms too. I was one of the ones who had the least badges, the others had so many until their left sleeve were like 2 kilograms heavy.

Our squad was like really small, about 20 people ( perhaps the smallest UG ). But it didn't really matter actually. So we stood unmoving in front of the primary school hall stage, as the students started to stroll in when the morning assembly bell rang. Timothy was the PC, great commanding, great job.

The parade was rather short, with the Pledges, a speech by Mr Ling and prayer. The squad was dismissed and assembly carried on as usual as we sat at the side of the hall.

Later part of the day, I didn't know that we had to wear our uniform for the entire day, I thought only til after recess. It was pretty much my mistake as I didn't like get the instructions clear. So during the Afternoon assembly, I was the only one who didn't wear uniform. So I felt rather weird, the only SJ cadet not wearing his uniform.

But anyway, after assembly, all the NCOs gathered, but we couldn't find Wai Yinn and Reginald. We took pictures of us posing with our left arms ( to show off badges ), all saluting Lewis and other funny poses. It's going to be up on our corps blog, and I think it'll be a big Joke to the Juniors lol.

Today I also heard a really really nice, Hawaii-tropicalish song ( being played in the Nature Guide's iMOVIE ). The song is "Hawaiian Roller Coastal Ride" by Mark Keali'i Ho'omalu and the Kamehameha School Children's Chorus ( really long name ). You won't believe this but its one of the sound tracks of the Lilo and Stitch movie. It was rather a coincidence because I watched the movie with my cousin, the day before. No wonder I could recall that song the moment I heard it.

I'm really in love with it. Go listen there.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Everyone's into Gatsby

Okay, everyones seems to be into the Gatsby advertisement. And almost Everyone has the I Can Give You Gatsby song on their phones too.

Today Jie Chou was spamming the song over and over and Over again. And the song is still buzzing in my mind. And even Before the Chinese Oral briefing at the auditorium today, the sounds of that song being played more than 3 at a time were heard.

Anyway, Everyone better Watch Out (including those reading this), because I have Two donation cards with me. And not forgeting the teachers too.

Monday, June 25, 2007

First Day of School Term

Hey, the first day of school term. The same old crisp metal-buttoned uniform, same old bus, the same classroom, same locker, same seat, same classmates, same teachers ( some with changed hair styles, and names Too ), and same morning assembly. Yeah, good old everything. I felt a sense of familiarity, and belonging to my school.

There goes the bell for assembly…

We went through the custom procedures as usual. The National Anthem, the Pledge, and also the School Vision. Today, it was sung louder than usual, well maybe because we were really excited about the start of a new school term, a fresh beginning. During the daily devotions, our principal told us some hilarious news ( about the campus superstar ), and depressing news too.

We headed back to our classrooms then, and the first lesson was Maths. Our timetable had been changed, so all our lessons had been changed completely. But hey, there’s one new Mrs Chua name on the Timetable. New teacher? No, its just that Miss Tan changed her name.

The rest of the day’s lesson were pretty much exciting, 3 periods of Mrs Chua, taking height and weight for PE, doing our English Passion Portfolio ( which is already due ) and an added treat, to the delight of others, a relief teacher came in for Hua2 Wen2 lesson. But maybe it wasn’t that great either, because our oral exams are in like 1 weeks' time.

When I got home, I wanted to cook up a dish ( again ), for my Passion Portfolio. When I reached home, my mum had already finished cooking half of dinner. So I pretty much could only do one dish.

I saw some long beans in the fridge and I decided to do that Sambal Chilli Long Bean thing. ( You should know what dish I’m referring to right? ). So I got prepared all the ingredients, the sambal chilli, the longbeans and stuff.

Then I started to fry, putting in the garlic, veggy and minced pork. Yeah, everything was going well, so far. Maybe it was out of anxiousness, or maybe because this was my first time cooking, I underestimated the flames, and I covered the wok left the food to cook on its own on the big fire.

Within a few seconds, a smell of burnt drifted through the air. Smelling something weird, like some chemical smell. ( I didn’t know burnt food smelt like this? )

( I doesnt look like it but its actually burnt )

So when I lifted of the lid of the wok, the sambal chilli had become all black. Yeah, so this time it was a rather not-so-sucessful dish. But I’m not like sad or anything, cause I can still include this rather amusing “story” into my portfolio. And as they always say, Thou learns from thou mistakes. How true.

( I had to cover my nose when I was washing the burnt wok )

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Happy Birthday Mum

Happy Birthday Mummy! Thanks for everything, the love, the care, the concern, the encouragement, the washing, the tutioning, the things you bought for me, the cooking...

There's just too much to list.

Cause your the best Mother in the world. And don't worry about getting older, cause Everyone's a year older too.

Geography Lesson

( Okay, I'm going really green now )

I found this in the newspaper today. I guess you've seen it too, if you've read the newspaper.

Real Scary huh? All its all because of Global warming. Imagine Singapore becoming a swimming pool, Everywhere.

( Thats from todays paper too )

Even Thorthon the Polar bear starting to go anti - Global warming. And worse still, its All Our fault. Yeah, us humans. Us cutting down all the trees, burning all the fossil fuels, so that we can sit in ours room, on the air con, turn on the TV, the comp, and turn up the radio and say "so shuang3".

Now you know that we're really evil.

So we should like really wake up now. And do our own little part to save the Earth from getting a fever. Just by turning off the lights when not in use, using two sides of a paper and don't Afk from the comp for like five hours. Yeah, you get the idea. You may think say that saves very little energy, but if everyone does that, its like times 1 million. Imagine that.

So now you know. So we better kuai4 dian2 fan2 xing3, before its too late.

and maybe that's also the reason why there are so many more mosquitoes..

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Mee Kway

I cooked this for lunch today. I'm not sure know how I got it either, I just used yesterday's leftovers and *poof* out came this. I call it the Mee Kway [ Italian Style ].

It tastes rather bland though. I think need to add more salt.

feeling hungry now huh?

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I missed the Platoon outing

Hmph yeah, so its true. True that sometimes there are choices you have to make in life, including the tough ones. I'm feeling really sore now, about the Platoon outing that's tomorrow. The one that they've awaiting so eagerly and raring to go. Everybody's going, except me. I chose not to go, and stay home and finish up my pile of homework instead.

I guess they'll be firing arrows at me by now?

This or That?

Friendship or homework,
which one would you choose?
It's really a tough choice,
like choosing which to lose.

Mummy says I shouldn't go,
cause homework matters more.
Say I should spend the day at home,
and finish my work by four.

But my friends say it's okay,
they still have homework too.
After all, its just a few hours,
Your not backing out, are you?

Some say this, some say that.
So what should I do?
Its really a contradiciton,
you think so too?

Woah, I'm starting to sound like some wise old guy or something.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Sinful Delights

Check out the 3kg heavier me, cause since last night till now I've been spamming sinful Choclates, Sugary stuffs and Cake. All the biscuits from the ANCO camp, the chocolate cake and the brownies I found in the fridge and the paos. At this rate, I'm going to get super fatter.

Apple Man

So I was at the ANCO camp. I seemed so long, but yet so fast, four days are over within a blink. We had to do up a lesson + lesson plan for our assessment on foot drill, and amazingly i finished up mine, in the nick of time, literally. We became like little teachers for the MOI.

So for the 5 minutes of lesson time, I taught my lesson quite okay, minus the nervousness and stuff.
I learnt much stuff, some of those which I learnt were the points of the SJ crest (taught by Wei Qiang Sir) , how to move fast to meet the very short timings of our officers, and learning how to Love our uniform, because we had to wear the same one for the four days of the camp, despite it smelling really SOUR of the sweat. Yeah, really sick. Worser stuff are disclosed, cause I don't think you'll take it.

And they called me, the Apple Man, I don't know why. Like I ate alot of apples during the camp..

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Eggy butter cake

look at the cake which i made today

ya i know its UGLY but i'm still a chef-in-training after all. Despite its look, only when you sink you teeth in it will you find that it actually taste quite good. Yeah really. It tastes of a blend of scrambled eggs plus vanilla. I added a bit too much egg to it, so the texture is rather eggy and spongy, but it turned out really well in fact, and thats the thing which makes the cake nice. But anyway, its no use explaining to you until you try it.

What's more, its Less - Sugar so you won't have to worry about getting fat (like me). And if you want to try it out, just ask me for the recipe.

And guess where i got the idea for my blog address, yeah, from this cake, this Eggy butter cake.